Training Information

Shropshire Scouts LOVE Adult Training!

Our dedicated Adult Training Team are passionate about delivering a Learner led experience for all our volunteers.

In partnership with your Line Manager and your Team, the Adult Training Team will support you through all your training requirements, so you feel informed, able and confident to fulfil your role.

We operate a validation based training scheme that recognises all our volunteers come to us with a range of experiences and skills which will make their learning experience unique.

Learning Optional, Validation Essential…

The Adult Training Scheme supports all our volunteers, who will all fall into four learner categories:

Section Leader Wood Badge The lion’s share of our learners are Section Leaders, those who directly deliver Scouting to the Young People and deliver an amazing programme e.g. Section Leaders and their Assistants
Manager and Supporter Wood Badge Those who manage our Section Leaders and ensure they are able to deliver an amazing programme e.g. Group Scout Leaders / Assistant District Commissioner (Section) / DC / CC
Non-Wood Badge and Trustees Those who work behind the scenes to keep us turning and those with specific roles
e.g. Group Chair / Skills Instructors
Staying Informed and Relevant Everyone! Once the PLP is complete it is important everyone takes active steps to stay informed and relevant by completing the mandatory on-going modules and any training or refreshing identified through your review with your Line Manager

You can understand the learning requirement for your role by viewing your Personal Learning Plan in Compass. If you are unsure how, speak to your Leadership Team, your GSL / DESC or have a look at the Compass Support Site

Step 1:

Use the Adult’s Personal File knowledge checker to assess your knowledge. You will have picked up a lot by just working within your Section or with your Team.

Step 2a:

If you feel suitably confident you could validate the Module with your existing knowledge or what you have learnt by volunteering in your role, make arrangements to meet with your Training Adviser. The table below suggests how you may wish to display your knowledge to your TA.

If you are unsure who your Training Adviser is speak to your Group Scout Leader / District Explorer Scout Commissioner or your Local Training Manager.

Step 2b:

If you feel you need more support the following learning methods are available to you:

Face-to-face Training is a fantastic way to learn not only your subject, but to network with other volunteers, understand their view of the world and share ideas:

Courses can be booked onto here

Alternatively, if time doesn’t allow, or you have a more independent learning style the following learning options are available to you.



Alternatively, speak to your Training Adviser to agree a learning method.

When you have completed your learning and have had time to apply it in your role arrange validation with your Training Adviser as per Step 2a.

Safety and Safeguarding
Name e-Learning
Safety Link to eLearning
Safeguarding Link to eLearning
Module Name 1-to-1 Course Workbook e-Learning External Video
1 Essential Information X Link to eLearning
2 Personal Learning Plan X X Link to Workbook
General Data Protection Regulation X Link to eLearning
Trustee Introduction X Link to eLearning
3 Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) X X X Link to eLearning
4 Tools for the Role (M&S) X X X Link to eLearning
5 Fundamentals of Scouting X X X Link to eLearning
7 Scouting for All X X X Link to Workbook
8 Skills of Leadership X X
9 Working with Adults X
10 First Aid X
11 Administration X X X Link to Workbook
12A Delivering a Quality Programme X X X Link to eLearning
12B Programme Planning X X
13 Growing the Section X X X Link to Workbook
14 Supporting Young People X X X Link to Workbook
15 Promoting Positive Behaviour X X X Link to Workbook
16 Introduction to Residential Experiences X X
17 Running Safe Activities X X X Link to Workbook
18 Practical Skills X
19 International X X
25 Assessing Learning X X X Link to Workbook
27 Instructing Practical X X
28 Facilitating X X
29 Presenting X X
30 Supporting Local Learning X X
31 Planning a Learning Experience X X
32 Delivering a Learning Experience X X
33 Planning a Learning Provision X X X Link to Workbook
34 Managing a Learning Provision X X X Link to Workbook
35 Internal Moderation X
36 Additional Needs X X
37 Advising on Adult Appointments X X X Link
38 Skills for Residential Experiences
1-to-1 Small Group Independent Learning e-Learning External Video
LMA Achieving Results X Link to e-Learning X Link to e-Learning
LME Enabling Change X Link to e-Learning X Link to e-Learning
LMM Managing Time and Personal Skills X Link to e-Learning X Link to e-Learning
LMP Providing Direction X Link to e-Learning X Link to e-Learning
LMS Safety for Managers and Supporters X Link to e-Learning X Link to e-Learning
LMU Using Resources X Link to e-Learning X Link to e-Learning
LMW Working with People X Link to e-Learning X Link to e-Learning
HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III