Reward and Recognition

The Scout Association have recently made revisions to the Awards and Decorations process. The overriding change is that decisions for Awards for Good Service have now been devolved locally to District and County Commissioners – this means decisions are better informed and more meaningful. The criteria for Awards for Good Service are currently unchanged.

County Awards and Decorations Advisory Committee

In Shropshire, the central County Awards and Decorations Advisory Committee, staffed by volunteers from across the three Districts and the County Team will consider Award nominations and make a recommendation to the relevant Commissioner. This will share the workload and ensure consistency across our patch.

Your District Commissioner has a nomination for someone to sit on the County Awards and Decorations Advisory Committee – should you wish to support the Committee please let your District Commissioner know. Recommendations will be made by the committee as a whole, however, understanding of local circumstances and situations will inform the recommendation process.


Shropshire Scouts With Thanks Award

The Shropshire Scouts With Thanks Award is for single, one-off actions that deserve recognition. The Awardee is presented with a cloth badge and a card thanking them for their effort.

Commissioner’s Commendation

Commissioner’s Commendation recognise adult members, youth members and non-members for their contribution to Scouting and is the gift of the County or District Commissioner.

In Shropshire we have recently awarded a parent who has undertaken exemplary fund-raising efforts for one groups and a Cub who, off her own back, hosted a bake sale at school to support others in her pack.

Shropshire Scouts Merit Award

The Shropshire Merit Award is awarded to those who have gone over and above in supporting or representing Scouting in Shropshire.

Awards for Good Service

Districts can award Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Service, and Award for Merit.

County can award Bar to the Award for Merit and Silver Acorn.

The criteria for these Awards can be found here however, generally they recognise volunteers who have consistently gone over and above in their role.


Should you wish to nominate a volunteer for an award please complete this form:

Decorations for Gallantry and Meritorious Conduct

Decorations for Gallantry and Meritorious Conduct remain unchanged. More information can be found here.


Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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